
The commissions function autonomously with the support of the rest of the board and their agreement on decision-making.
Each vocal position is associated with a commission and may be composed of several people, but it only has one position, which is responsible, an interlocutor, and a member of the board.

The Welcome commission’s mission is to accompany new families in the process of starting or changing the school stage at our school.

Through the “Mentorship Program,” experienced families from previous courses at CreaNova College can mentor new families to share ideas and resolve concerns and doubts on the path of adapting to school life.

Every week, a meeting is held in the school cafeteria to share experiences with families who want to join.

comissio benvinguda
comissio biblioteca

The main purpose of the Library commission is to develop new projects to encourage reading among students.

Some of the Library Commission’s functions are:

  • Launch and manage the loan service
  • Keep the library stocked with books on all topics through donations and receive proposals and/or requests from students
  • Promote the habit of reading through new initiatives

The Communication commission aims to improve and enhance communication with families through different available channels: social networks, website, and WhatsApp.

Its main function is to inform families about the different activities organized or collaborated on by AFA clearly, truthfully, and directly.

It also collaborates closely with the school to ensure its communications reach all families.

comissio comunicacio
comissio delegades

The Delegates commission’s function is to act as a liaison between the school’s management and the representatives of the different groups of students.

Some of their functions include:

  • Creation and management of all school WhatsApp groups, greatly assisting in ensuring communications reach families
  • Coordination and, along with the secretary, preparation of minutes for meetings with management
  • Link between management and families, through representatives, for important communications

The Economic commission aims to monitor and address economic issues with the school.

The committee will inform and deal with any issues of this nature that may arise with the school and will strive to find an optimal solution for families and the school.

comissio equitat

The Equity commission’s main objective is to accompany the school and families in responding to the diversity that characterizes us, based on coeducation and support free of stereotypes and discrimination.

All proposals worked on by the equity commission aim to continue educating in equality through diversity, respecting all individualities, and promoting education in peace and respect for Human Rights.


The Parties Commission is responsible for organizing events and activities at the school in which AFA CreaNova is actively involved.

It has also collaborated with the school in themed weeks by developing activity proposals for all students. Once the school authorizes it, AFA takes care of acquiring the materials and, if necessary, the personnel to carry them out.

They also organize fantastic parties!!

comissio festes
comissio salut

The Health and School commission’s mission is to help ensure the health of students in the school environment.

It produces the HealthyNova health news bulletin.

Manages the school vaccination program in collaboration with the Can Mates CAP. Advises the school team on everything related to the school menu and the implementation of specific training for kitchen and dining room staff in assisting celiac children.

Organizes workshops and talks on health topics for families, students, and school teachers.



The Web commission’s mission is to maintain and improve the AFA CreaNova’s website.

It works closely with the Communication commission to ensure that all information is up-to-date and easily accessible to families.

The Web commission is responsible, among other things, for the following: Maintenance and creation of content for the AFA CreaNova website, Email management, Setting up social media accounts, Registering for applications (Slack, Trello, etc.), Sending newsletters and communications on behalf of AFA, …

comissio web


La comissió web s’encarrega del manteniment i creació de contingut de la web de AFA Creanova, gestió de correus, altes a les xarxes, etc.

comissio web